So let's talk about.... blogging.

One of my many goals for 2017 was to start blogging again.  I used to blog all of my recipes, which was a lot of fun (and is coming in handy now when I need to find one of my favourite dessert recipes!), but I haven't really done it since 2014.

Clearly, it is December, and 2017 ran away with me a little bit, and I didn't blog as much as I intended to.  But 4 posts is better than no posts at all!

Now that 2018 is almost upon us (how fast did this year go?!), it's time to revisit this year's goals, and then create new ones. In case you missed it, you can find my post on resolutions and goals here.

I find it fascinating to look back on what 2016 Hannah had planned for 2017 Hannah, and compare it to what actually happened this year, and why.  I haven't actually looked at the goals for this year yet - I plan to do that sometime this week or next week - but I know I have achieved some of them, and not others, and some I can't even remember what they are.  

In the meantime, I am setting my first goal for 2018: blog more!  And I mean it this time.

I think I am going to be a little more specific with this goal this time around - telling myself I want to blog more isn't really working, and certainly isn't a plan.

There will be random posts, with a photo I like, or a quote, or perhaps a roadtrip Mack and I have taken etc. which will be as they come.  I might also do some that are flashbacks to 2017, because it's been a pretty amazing year, and I have lots of things to talk about!

I will then have a fortnightly series, 'so let's talk about...', where I will talk about something specific.  This blog is the first in that series! :)

2018 for me is going to be all about happiness and positivity; it is something I have been working on this year, and I feel so much healthier and happier and confident because of it!  I hope to share some of that here moving forward.

Until next time.


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