Monthly Update #8: August

I know I say this every month, but how on earth is it September already!?  This year is just speeding along.

August has been a pretty chilled, yet weirdly busy month. 

Dancing has been on every week, which is always fun, and I have been getting back into the gym (mostly doing yoga) so that is great as well.

I then went up to the farm with Mack and the family and learnt how to concrete.  This is a whole long winded tale that I will probably never get around to telling here.  But learning new random skills is really great - I actually didn't mind it at all - I might even go as far as to say it was a lot of fun.

At the end of the month, I went with Mack and his dad to see Pink!  A few weeks later than anticipated, because she was sick on the night we were supposed to see her, but it was so worth the wait.  We had seats that were high up and all of the way around the side, but it really didn't matter. 

She spends half of her time with her feet not on the ground anyway haha.

Such an amazing show.

Otherwise, there have been a few wedding things happening - and not even for my own wedding haha.  I actually wanted a little rest of planning mine - sometimes it's good to just let ideas simmer away and take the time to make some decisions.  I have been helping a friend plan hers, which is totally different to mine to that keeps things interesting (she also nearly ended up picking the same weekend as me, which could have been challenging for some of our friends haha). 

I have been to a couple of expos for some wedding inspiration this month.  They are interesting places, and often very overwhelming.  Haha.  I don't really get a lot out of them, but I have met a couple of really great suppliers, so not a total waste of time!

And that's pretty much it for another month!


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