Wedding Wednesdays: An Intro.

Mack and I got engaged back in February, and this year is speeding along!

Planning is well underway, and, even if I do say so myself, I'm so organised haha.

I have been meaning to get going on my wedding blogs for a while now, but just haven't had the time.  But here we go!  The intro to my new series.

Wedding Wednesdays.

Starting here, join me through everything that comes up along the way through this wedding planning journey.  This could be anything & everything, from checklists to follow as a guide, to resources I found helpful or resources I don't rate, to opinion pieces on elements of the wedding industry, & anything in between! 

It might come as no surprise that we are a little un-traditional, and as such, my opinions may differ from the norm.  I will try to compare my view to the more traditional views where possible, but I would appreciate recognising now that all of the things I say about weddings are my own opinions, and they are the way Mack and I are thinking about our wedding; you might agree with me, you might not - it is OK either way!

I also noticed that when I search through wedding blogs, they tend to be mostly American, sometimes British.  There isn't much in the way of Australian blogs.  So hopefully this helps any Australian brides out there with some more local information and wedding sites to follow :)

Thank you for following me on this journey - I hope you enjoy!

Join me this evening for the first wedding post :)

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