Monthly Update #12: December

Happy New Year!

I am a little late with the final monthly of 2018, but here I go.

December was a really busy one!

I started off the month meal prepping with Charlie & helping her organise the baby things to prep for his imminent arrival.

My parents, sister & I then went to see Shania Twain on the 9th.  Little bit of old school!  She was actually so good.  Such a cool stage production too with lots of LEDs.  Loved it.

December was also Christmas party central - refer to this Blogmas post for more details on this.

On the 15th, Charlie & I did our dance exams.  Considering she was 37 weeks pregnant at the time, that is seriously impressive.  We both got highly commended for our dances!  I also did my first demonstration in a decade - it was really fun... our outfits were really quite extra.

My boss brought her dog to work on the last day, so that was a lot of fun haha.

My Christmas break from work began on the 21st.  Mack & I used that weekend to do some setup at the farm for our NYE party.

progress shot from the weekend of building

Building the toilets there out of pallets was actually the first thing Mack & I have built together without any others helping.  I am so proud of them!  And yes... they are a classic outdoor long drop dunny.

Our Christmas Day plans were thrown into all kinds of disarray on Christmas Eve, when both Mack's cousin & my sister went into labour!!  It was almost a race to the finish line haha.

Charlie's baby George David was born Christmas Eve... he is so damn cute!!! Love him so much already.

Christmas Day, therefore, was partially spent at the hospital, opening Christmas presents with my family there.  I'm not going to do a what I got for Christmas post, but my gifts this year included tickets to see Tim Minchin in March, some whisky glasses & a whole bunch of wedding themed gifts.

We then spent some time in Centennial Park with my family, before heading off to see Mack's family.  Hung out with his family for a while, with Christmas dinner, before heading home.  Mack's parents bought me some crochet needles, so that's super exciting for crafting next year.

On Boxing Day, we headed to the farm, where we stayed until the 2nd January.  Can we just talk about how amazing it is to not have a phone for a week!?  So good.  Throughout that week, we set up our NYE party & various friends came & went throughout the week.  There were 10 of us on NYE & it was so fun!!  Such a relaxing, wonderful week.  The best way to recharge before 2019 begins.

And there we have it - 2018 done & dusted.

So where are we heading for 2019?

I have a lot of currently open time in 2019 at the moment - we have 2 big things in the second half of the year, so I have tried to keep a relatively clear diary so we have time to prep all of the things!  I am sure many fun things will come up along the way.

I am unsure if I will keep up with the monthly updates - I will decide at the end of January about this!

The wedding blogs are happening every Wednesday!  Even though I am getting married at the end of July, I have a LOT to say on the subject so I expect these to run past my wedding date.

Tara & I are meal prepping on the January long weekend, so the meal prep posts will be back, starting in February!

See you soon!


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