Blogmas Day 18: The Little Things

On Day 16, I talked about reflections, resolutions & goals; the things I think or want to happen in the following year versus the things that actually do.  The surprises Past Me didn't anticipate.

I love doing this each year; I think, above all else, it shows growth as a human.  The things that changed within me throughout the year & thinking about how & why.  I love looking back on it!

Something 2018 taught me that I didn't expect was this. 

Appreciate the little things.

We spend so much time looking at our phones & dashing around from one place to the next, sprinting head on towards the big goals think we're aiming for.

But in doing this, we forget to even look for the little things that happen that are amazing.  In watching where you are going, in looking up rather than at your phone, in being present in the moment, you notice the small stuff & create awesome memories.

Remember, too, that if you focus so much on the big goals, you only notice that you are not there yet, or how far you have to go.  You fail to notice how far you have come already.  And that is so so important!

So.  Here are 5 little things that I noticed this year.

1. I wore more makeup this year than any other.

When I say makeup, I don't mean foundation & concealer & blush & whatever else makeup exists haha.  And I also don't mean every day either.  By 'more' I mean I wore it possibly 10 days in the year, which is more than the 2 or so from last year hahaha.  

What I mean is I bought a fine line felt tip eyeliner that I love. And I actually learnt how to put it on. Yes really.  I still smudge the eyeshadow on with my finger, but I can manage the eye liner.  And I think this counts as a mini achievement hahaha. #worstgirlever

2. Yoga changed me.

This is the second year I have consistently done yoga, but this year it really became a huge part of who I am.  I carry my body differently. I am stronger & leaner. And, most importantly, it is so great for my mental health.  Yoga taught me to breathe through life; it sounds ridiculous because we need air to survive.  But many of us forget to breathe.  Really breathe.  Life if so much easier if you use breath as a tool to move!

Something that also happened was that I am no longer afraid to arm balance!  My goal was crow pose, which took me a good 6 months to get.  But now learning to be upside is currently my thing haha.  The yoga teacher I have on a Friday pushes me; if you try again & again, one day, it will just happen.  And that applies to life too!

3. I love craft.

Becoming a adult can often mean you stop creating.  Life is too busy to paint or draw or whatever your chosen vocation is.  In planning my wedding & thinking about the decor that I want sparked that passion again!  At the moment it is dreamcatchers, but painting is also on my list.  It is never too late to start up creative passions again.

4. I still know all of the words to Shania Twain's Come On Over CD from 1997.

It's true.  I spent an evening with my family singing & dancing along to Shania & it was awesome!

5. It is wonderful to just sit with your friends.

Mack & I have spent lots of time with friends this year, but usually we are always running around doing things. Which is great, don't get me wrong.  But just sitting enjoying a coffee, talking shit is so wonderful.  There was an evening a few weeks ago where I was sitting in my friends van while Mack pottered around doing things getting to know how new girlfriend.  We sat & chatted & she started teaching me how to crochet.  And it was amazing.  Of all of the things I have done this year, sitting & learning crochet with Sara is one of my favourite evenings!  Add crocheting to my crafting list also by the way!

What tiny things have you done or noticed about yourself this year?


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