Blogmas Day 22: Christmas Love & Hate

Only 3 days to go until Christmas!

As we speed towards to Big Day, it got me thinking about what I love about Christmas.

I think, for me, Christmas is about spending time with my family.  Whilst Mack & I spend quite a lot of time with his parents, I really don't see mine all that much.  I definitely could make more effort to see my parents... goal for 2019 maybe?  But we are so busy all of the time that sometimes weeks have passed before I realise I haven't spoken to them.  Terrible, I know.

Christmas Day is a guaranteed day that I will see them & I love it.  Starting with present opening in the morning, the same way that we always have since I was born, all the way through to lunch.  I guess you could call it a tradition, since we have done the same thing pretty much every year. 

With Mack's parents, I love going for Christmas lunch there (well, this year it's dinner, but still).  It is so chill & delicious.  A really simple, casual arrangement, again focusing around seeing family & just spending time together doing not much.

It isn't really about the gifts for me, but of course it is nice exchanging gifts.  My parents have a one present each rule (which my mum has, so far, never stuck to haha) & the gifts are always a surprise.  Mack's parents ask what we want & buy exactly that.  I kinda like having the best of both worlds haha. 

The one thing I hate about Christmas is how commercial it is.  I think you can easily go overboard with gifts & it is just not necessary.  Our families have a good system I think - not buying things for the sake of buying them.  But we as a society are very wasteful & get sucked into the crazy Christmas retail frenzy.  I am definitely one to either buy something someone needs/wants, or if they don't want anything, buy them an experience that they can enjoy.  It feels much less wasteful than buying things for the sake of it.

What do you love about Christmas?  What don't you love?


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